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Bristlecone Pine, White Mountains, December 2017

Camera and Lens: Bronica SQ-Ai, Zenzanon PS 80mm f/2.8
Film stock: Ilford HP5+
Exposure: 800
Developer: Ilfotec HC

After seeing the tallest trees on Earth just a few weeks earlier, I had the chance to make the drive to the top of the White Mountains to be close to some of the oldest trees in the planet.

These small trees, the Bristlecone Pines, do look old. Each of them is very different from the other one, and they make for incredible subjects.

The challenge is to find one that is not in a grove or surrounded by other trees / elements. I was lucky to find this one.

This was a side trip I wasn't counting on taking so I was only able to go on a small hike through a grove of these ancient pines. Definitely one of the many places where I want to go to back to and spend the time this place deserves to be photographed.

See more images of the Eastern Sierra.