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Landscape photography with a dog

You might know that I'm the proud owner of the most beautiful dog in the world. And as you might suspect, this post is just an excuse to share photos of her.

I love spending time in the outdoors with my dog, but as a landscape photographer that raises the obvious question: is bringing a dog along good or bad for my photography?

I personally choose to bring my dog Luna with me 95% of the times. I only leave her behind when the outing is going to be mostly driving or dogs aren't allowed at whatever place I'm going to that day. But otherwise, she's been at my side every single time.

She pulls and doesn't make carrying all the gear any easier. My focus is on both looking for an image and trying to keep her under control. She's ruined some images when she stepped in front of the camera and destroyed the snow or sand pattern, or scared away some animals. She's also moved the tripod while I was taking some long exposures... to a wild variety of results.

But I believe that, even though sometimes they can be annoying and distracting, at the end of the day a dog can improve your photography.


A dog can protect you! Luna is constantly watching around even while I'm totally focused on my camera and not paying attention to my surroundings.

Some people have approached me to ask me something about the place or the camera and Luna let me know right away, growling. Otherwise I wouldn't have noticed them at all.

While unnecessary in these cases (people were being nice to me), it could prevent people with less-than-good intentions from approaching us.


Dogs see the world in a very different way, and always love life. "Wanna go out take pictures?" is always followed by a YES PLEASE LET'S GO NOW PLEASE.

I try to see through her eyes what I can't see with mine.

They can be great subjects

I always take at least one photo of Luna while we are out exploring the landscapes. They might never end on my portfolio or even shared, but I absolutely love going through them and see all the places she and I have gone to and visited.

I'll probably make a book with them for myself at some point in the future.

It's all about having fun and sharing the moment

A dog reminds you to take it easy, to enjoy the great outdoors and to have fun!

They are also great companions to share those special moments with. Their attention might not be directed to that colorful sunrise or that beautiful tree like yours is, but they are fully connected to nature and take delight in those precious moments.


Would I recommend it? Absolutely!

Bringing a dog with you can and does have some disadvantages and you might lose a shot here and there but, at least for me, sharing all these trips and places with her has helped me build great memories, it has pushed me harder and it has inspired me.