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Mendocino Headlands, November 2017

Camera and Lens: Bronica SQ-Ai, Zenzanon PS 150mm f/4
Film stock: Ilford HP5+
Exposure: 800
Developer: Kodak D76

The coast of Mendocino is stunning, showcasing incredible rock formations and intimidating cliffs.

Compared to the coast just a bit further north, you can notice an obvious difference: the lack of trees.

This can be a blessing for landscape photography, since you don't have to go down dangerous slopes trying to find a vantage point. It comes with disadvantages though: the landscape can look dull at times.

Here, I found a nice spot where the combination of some (but not too many) trees and the coast create a frame that I really like. I actually took a few exposures here trying to create the effect I was after.

I knew I wanted no details on the trees, just almost pure black silhouettes against the rough sea in the background. The trees were not as simple as I'd wish for, so I tried to include some empty space -both in the foreground and the background- to make the photo a bit less busy.