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Not as good (or as bad) as you think

When we make a good image, we might think we are getting better at this: "I'm a great photographer", we tell ourselves.

When the best image we can come up with isn't any good, we think this is not for us: "I'm a terrible photographer", we convince ourselves.

We are neither that good nor that bad. The truth is always somewhere in between.

We outdoor photographers are at the mercy of the location, the conditions, and the light. Making a good image is easy if we are at the right place at the right moment. If we have nothing going for us, even the most talented photographer might have not been able to create a decent image.

Since most of the time we can't predict what the outside world is going to do, our best chance is to get out as often as we can and try to do our best. Let's use this as a measurement of success instead of "good" vs "bad" images.