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Shooting film: 2017 in numbers

I'm not one to follow trends, but I think this one is very interesting. Some people from the film community were summarizing their year on Twitter: how many shots taken, cameras used, film stocks ran... and what not.

It's a good exercise to reflect on these stats, although there's much more than numbers to a whole year of photography, of course.

This was my first year going "mainly film", and I'd say it was a very, very good year. I learned a lot and I think my photography has improved. But that's hard to measure.

These are the things that are easier to measure though:

June: 127 frames, 1 camera, 2 new film stocks
July: 179 frames, 1 camera, 1 new film stock
August: 210 frames, 1 camera, 0 new film stocks
September: 132 frames, 2 cameras, 1 new film stock
October: 276 frames, 3 cameras, 2 new film stocks
November: 335 frames, 2 cameras, 1 new film stock
December: 453 frames, 1 camera, 1 new film stock

Year 2017 totals

  • 144 rolls
  • 1,712 frames
  • 3 cameras
  • 8 film stocks
  • 2 developers and 2 fixers

It's worth noting that this is just for medium format film. I shot a few rolls of 35mm as well but I'm not counting them here: for me, 35mm and digital are more about documenting where I am and what I'm doing (and also to have fun), rather than actually trying to "make a photograph".