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Bird above Grand Canyon, December 2017

Camera and Lens: Bronica SQ-Ai, Zenzanon PS 80mm f/2.8
Film stock: Ilford HP5+
Exposure: 800
Developer: Ilfotec HC

This image is part of America Untitled.

The Grand Canyon is a breathtaking place, but I found it hard to photograph. I got just one image on my first morning there, and I wasn't sure I was going to make any on this second day.

Then, we visited the Desert View Watchtower and I started to see a lot of images from there.

I was composing one of this view of the Grand Canyon, and the mirror that reflected part of it, when a bird flew by. I quickly pressed the shutter withouth knowing for sure if it'd be in the photo, or if it'd be blurry or not.

It came out perfectly, and it adds that extra element to this image.

See more images of the Grand Canyon.