It's my secret: I've been shooting 35mm for a few weeks, using a crappy plastic chinese camera. It was a fun but frustrating experience.
Taking the Rolleiflex out
I took the Rolleiflex out and tried to make a few images in Chain O'Lakes, here in Indiana. I talk a little bit about the main features, what I like, and what I don't.
Galician Still Life: Bronica and Ilford FP4
These are some of the images I've made of some objects with my Bronica and Ilford FP4. Watch the video here.
Still life photography with the Bronica and Ilford FP4
I want to start adding some still life images and portraits into my projects. In this video, I make some images of tools and old objects to be included in a future project.
Magic, Sil River, January 2019
I made this image with my Bronica SQ-Ai. It was one of those special moments when you can't believe what you are seeing through the viewfinder. Something so beautiful that you fear your image won't do it justice.
After this shot, I took a bunch with my digital camera (the fog was moving really quick and presented a lot of different compositions), but this is still my favorite.
What a beautiful morning.
Pushing HP5 to the limit: ASA 51,200
In this video, I push my favorite film to the limit. I expose and develop Ilford HP5+ for an ASA of 51,200. Will it work?
Finishing rolls of Ilford HP5 and FP4
I had a few rolls sitting around for a while, with a few shots left in them, so I decided to go out and finish them. This is what it came out of that morning out... and of those rolls.
Torre, Serra da Estrela, Portugal, September 2018
Camera and Lens: Bronica SQ-Ai, Zenzanon PS 80mm f/2.8
Film stock: Ilford HP5+
Exposure: 1600
Developer: Ilford Ilfotec HC
I made this image during my recent trip to Portugal. It was a beautiful morning up in the Serra da Estrela, at an elevation of some 2,000 meters (6,500 feet).
You can't see the warm, pink colors of the sky. You can't see the green tones of the tower. But you can tell this is not mid-day light. I love shooting black and white during sunrise.
Image of the Month, October 2018: "Moonrise over Mt Hood"
The Image of the Month for October is now available: Moonrise over Mt Hood.
Watch the video where I made this image: "Moonrise".
What a beautiful evening at the Mt Hood National Forest this was! I had only recently started shooting with my Bronica SQ-Ai when I found out about the full Moon rising behind the always stunning Mt Hood.
I spent almost three hours there, sitting in silence, first enjoying the sunset and then waiting until it was dark and the Moon high in the sky.
This image is the result of those three hours there, trying to capture what I saw. The interaction between the mountain and the Moon, the calmness of the moment, the beauty of it, the fragility of nature and the insignificance of humans.
artist contract
A new image will be released every month and offered at a reduced price during that time. After 30 days, it will be sold at full price. They will never be on sale at any time in the future, the rate during the first month will be the lowest, ever.
want to know more?
You can find more information about how I create my images and all the details about pricing on The Art and Craft behind my prints.
Light begins
Artist Interviews: Darren Kelland
For this week's Artist Interviews, I had the pleasure to interview Darren Kelland. I absolutely love Darren's B&W work, his images resonate with me.
Darren is a film photographer, and creates his images using a Hasselblad camera and Ilford HP5+.
All images in this post were made by Darren Kelland.
Read MoreShooting my first roll of Ilford Delta 3200

I don't usually try new film stocks, I like the results my Ilford HP5+ pushed to 800 delivers.
I've been more interested in trying new things as of lately, though. After working on a few fun photography projects this summer, including infrared photography, I'm finally shooting different emulsions to see what I can create with them.
The first one, Ilford Delta 3200.
Read MoreMonuments, Monument Valley, December 2017
Camera and Lens: Bronica SQ-Ai, Zenzanon PS 50mm f/3.5
Film stock: Ilford HP5+
Exposure: 800
Developer: Ilfotec HC
What a view. Enough said about this place.
We're open, Monument Valley, December 2017
Camera and Lens: Bronica SQ-Ai, Zenzanon PS 80mm f/2.8
Film: Ilford HP5+
Exposure: 800
Developer: Ilfotec HC
They weren't. They hadn't for a while.
If there's a place in the US where you can feel like being in a western, that's probably Monument Valley.
Roll #219: Bronica SQ-Ai + Ilford HP5

Another video where I show all 12 shots from a roll of Ilford HP5, this time roll number #219. Taken with the Bronica SQ-Ai, shot and developed at ASA 800 (+1 push stop) with Rodinal (1+50).
Read MoreDesert View Watchtower, Grand Canyon, December 2017
Camera and Lens: Bronica SQ-Ai, Zenzanon PS 80mm f/2.8
Film stock: Ilford HP5+
Exposure: 800
Developer: Ilfotec HC
I wasn't expecting to find a tower like this in Grand Canyon National Park. I loved the way it looked, and the birds flying around gave it an almost creepy feeling to it.
I knew I had to make an image.
Roll #218: Bronica SQ-Ai + Ilford HP5

In this video (and contact sheet), I show all 12 shots from Roll #218. Taken with the Bronica SQ-Ai on Ilford HP5 film, shot and developed at ASA 400 (box speed) with Rodinal (1+50).
Read MoreDo not dump your Rodinal down the sink
You might know that I've recently set up a new darkroom after leaving all my equipment in the US. As part of this new setup, I got some **Rodinal** to try as my new developer. And I made a mistake.
Read MoreBird above Grand Canyon, December 2017
Camera and Lens: Bronica SQ-Ai, Zenzanon PS 80mm f/2.8
Film stock: Ilford HP5+
Exposure: 800
Developer: Ilfotec HC
This image is part of America Untitled.
The Grand Canyon is a breathtaking place, but I found it hard to photograph. I got just one image on my first morning there, and I wasn't sure I was going to make any on this second day.
Then, we visited the Desert View Watchtower and I started to see a lot of images from there.
I was composing one of this view of the Grand Canyon, and the mirror that reflected part of it, when a bird flew by. I quickly pressed the shutter withouth knowing for sure if it'd be in the photo, or if it'd be blurry or not.
It came out perfectly, and it adds that extra element to this image.
3 reasons why I shoot Ilford HP5+ at 800
A bit more than a year and a half ago, I had no idea what it meant to push or pull film. When I started shooting film, I experimented a little bit with Ilford HP5+. I really loved the way HP5+ looked when shot (and developed) at ASA 800 and 1600. I absolutely loved the grain and contrast!
In the end, I settled on 800. Here’s why.
Read MoreHow to set up a darkroom for B&W film development at home from scratch: a shopping list
One backpack and one suitcase: that's all I had when I moved from the US to Europe. All my stuff had to fit in two bags, and after a careful selection of what I really needed, everything else had to stay behind.
Among the stuff that didn't make it with me was all my darkroom equipment. But after 3 months of shooting almost exclusively digital, I was missing my Bronica so much that last week I finally pulled the trigger and bought everything I need to develop film at home... again.
This is a list of all the stuff I bought. You can use it as a checklist if you are building your own darkroom, although you might find you need more -or fewer- items than these.
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