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How to preview your film negatives with your phone

This is a quick tip for those who, like me, can't wait to see the images on that negative we just developed.

Once you've seen a few negatives, you get a good understanding of how the photo will look, but there's nothing like seeing the positive version of the image.

I use my phone to get a quick sneak peek, this is how I do it.

  • On iOS (iPhone), go to Settings -> General -> Accessibility -> Accessibility Shortcut. From all the options you have, select Classic Invert Colors. Now you can invert the colors of your screen by simply triple clicking the home button. Then you can open your camera and see your film photos before scanning them! Triple press the home button to revert the colors to normal.
  • On Android... I'm not 100% sure since I don't have an Android phone with me, but according to what I've seen online, you can go to Settings -> Accessibility -> Color inversion. Your device might be different, so if you can't find it you should still be able to look for it using the search bar in your settings app, look for "invert", or "inversion".

I hope this helps.

If you have any other useful tips like this, drop me a line and I'll share them here (crediting you, of course)!