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On walking

As you might know, a few weeks ago I did El Camino and walked over 130 miles in 6 days. Little did I know that after that experience I'd become -even more- addicted to walking. I went from averaging around 4 miles a day last year to 9 miles during these last two months.

These are some of my thoughts on walking.

Walking is good for business

It's beyond doubt that walking is good for your health, both physical and mental. But it's also great for work: I use my walks to think... or to not think at all; I've written blog posts and scripted YouTube videos while walking -recording voice notes-; I read audiobooks; some projects like Windowless Homes were born on these walks; and of course I make images and videos.

I can think of many other ways we could work while walking: placing calls during a walk or having a one-to-one meeting outside.

Me time, couple time

They say bathrooms are becoming one of the very few places where people can enjoy some time with themselves... assuming they aren't on their phones. I've found walks to be great to spend some time with myself, my phone stays in my pocket most of the time while I pay more attention to my surroundings.

Walking is also great for couples! A great moment to have a conversation.

Don't forget your camera

Don't leave the house without your camera! Having it in my pocket makes me more aware of the world as I scan it looking for images.

It's a lifestyle

Reaching 9 miles a day can be challenging: walking that much does require time. I don't rely only on my walks / hikes to reach it, I do almost everything by foot: I don't take the elevator, I walk to the grocery store, I even walk the hallway while reading at home.

It's these small changes that will have the biggest effect, it's not something we do every once in a while, it's a profound change to our lifestyle.

It's never too late to start moving

Our body is highly adaptable and it learns from our lifestyle. It's never too late to start moving: run and walk as much as possible, and if you can't, at least stand up for as long as you can. For example, I'm writing this on my homemade standing desk -a pile of books.

I used to be a sedentary person: I'd go from bed to my desk at work, then to the couch - and that was my day. I was always tired and looking forward to spending time inside. These old habits still take their toll on my body today, but my hard work is paying off: I have more energy, more mental clarity, I look forward to live new experiences, I'm more positive and optimistic, I feel better about my body and I'm able to do many more things than before.

The best things are wild and free

Walking requires some dedication as it takes time from our busy days, but the benefits outweigh the costs tenfold. And the best thing about walking? It's free and available to everyone.