
Bringing the newsletter back

In this day and age, sharing your work online is easier than ever. Making meaningful connections is getting harder, though.

Social media has changed the world in many ways, some good, some not so good. Thanks to these platforms, I was able to reach thousands of people, connect with other photographers and artists, and discover so much great art.

I like to use social media. I don’t like when that happens the other way around. I don’t want to spend a second trying to figure out how to beat the algorithm and reach those who followed me because they were interested in what I create.

It’s time to bring the newsletter back. It might sound old-fashion at this point, but I believe it’s the best way we have to really connect with each other. No middlemen involved, humans and non-humans.

One email, once a week, where I’ll share all the work I publish on my Instagram, Twitter and YouTube. So you don’t have to use those platforms to see what I’m up to, and even less, to connect with me. Simply reply to that email and we’ll be talking!

And of course, you can unsubscribe at any time.

If you are interested, please join us:

How to get my new eBook for free: "Long Exposure Photography"


"Long Exposure Photography: How to make stunning images that defy time" is my upcoming new eBook. It will be released this Sunday, September 30th.

It will be a free eBook but only the current newsletter subscribers will get a copy, at least initially -it will be publicly available a few weeks later.

A good chance to join the newsletter club! Stay up to date with my work and receive free educational material like this one, for free.

And remember, you also get a free copy of "Examples of the PNW" when you sign up.

Join now and get your free copy on Sunday, September 30th!

"Examples of the PNW": my new free eBook

Examples of the PNW cover.jpg

I'd been wanting to write this book for a long time, but I always found an excuse to put it off. Now that I don't live in Portland anymore, it seemed like the perfect time to do so.

In "Examples of the PNW", I showcase 15 of my favorite images I made during my time in the Pacific Northwest. I tell the story behind them, how I made them, I give some advice about the location, and I talk about the post-processing involved.

I also thought that it'd be the perfect way to say thank you to the subscribers of my (also new) monthly newsletter. I intend to make this newsletter the link between this website and the people interested in my work, something I can control completely unlike social networks or other websites.

So if you are interested in getting this book (and many more to come in the future), or in signing up for a monthly newsletter about my work and much more, please follow this link.

Thanks for your support!