x projects

Looking up


The sky isn't where I usually look for images. Most of the time, a dark blue sky or a bright cloudy one are just backgrounds for my subjects.

Lately, though, I've been looking up more closely. I made images of the Moon, the stars and the clouds. Even of clear, blue skies.

At a time when we are confined, the sky makes me feel free and connected to a bigger world beyond the walls of this house.

I'll keep looking up.

Fun photography ideas for the summer

I'm a winter person, I don't like much about the summer. The heat, the crowds, the hars light... none of them.

It's usually a bad time for me to go out and make images, so I spend most of the summer inside writing, editing and reading.

This year, I came up with 6 different photography ideas to try. From a homemade pinhole lens to use oil from a can of tuna to emulate the Holga look:

#1 Photographing the clouds
#2 Homemade pinhole lens
#3 Fireworks
#4 Night photography in a forest
#5 The Holga Look
#6 Infrared

It was fun and I learned a lot from every one of these projects. I hope at least one of them inspires you to try something different!

The X Projects

The X Projects

Every once in a while, I have an idea for a project and work on it for a few hours or days. Then I realize that those images (or videos) I created don't really fit in with the rest of my work, and discard them. Well, not happening anymore.

Introducing The X Projects, a jumble where any weird, odd and probably wrong idea I have will find its place to live forever and ever.

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