
Looking up


The sky isn't where I usually look for images. Most of the time, a dark blue sky or a bright cloudy one are just backgrounds for my subjects.

Lately, though, I've been looking up more closely. I made images of the Moon, the stars and the clouds. Even of clear, blue skies.

At a time when we are confined, the sky makes me feel free and connected to a bigger world beyond the walls of this house.

I'll keep looking up.


When I wrote about my upcoming trip a few days ago, I knew the situation could get worse. I could not, though, expect how fast everything has unfolded here in Spain in the last few days: from planning my trip to country-wide mandatory quarantine.

I will be working from home for the foreseeable future. Thankfully, I have a lot of photos to go through and many things to talk about, here and on my YouTube channel.

Before focusing on photography again, I wanted to repeat what every expert in this matter is saying: stay home as much as you can. If you are already taking this seriously, then please keep doing so. And if you still believe this is like the flu, take a look at this.

Stay healthy, my friends.