
Thank you for 2022

Time flies, and 2022 is already in the rear mirror. What a year this was for my photography! It started relatively slow, with tons of local photography, but it brought a crazy second half with tons and tons of traveling. These were the highlights and best images of the year.

Thank you so much for following along and for all your support. I couldn't do this without you.

Inspiration is contagious

If you've ever felt an urge to grab your camera and start taking photos after seeing a great image from another photographer, this one is for you.

I keep a folder -aptly named "Inspiration"- in the Notes app on my phone with a collection of images that, for whatever reason, inspire me. Most are from photographers I admire, some are random online finds.

Sometimes, when I'm not feeling it, I open that folder and start scrolling through those images. More often than not, this simple act puts me in the right mood and I start seeing.

Perhaps, this is something you want to try yourself.

Inspiration can spread like wildfire.

What "Black Friday" can teach us about ourselves

Camera companies don't sell cameras, or lenses; they are trying to sell us an idea, a hope: buy this piece of equipment and you will become someone else, an adventurer, an explorer; finally being able to make the images you've always wanted to make.

We take the bait, and it feels good for a few hours, or a few days. Photography feels exciting again! But of course, nothing lasts forever, the hedonic treadmill works its magic and we are back to base one, feeling uninspired, until another sale tries to convince us once again that we can get there by purchasing yet something else.

Camera companies, like every retailer during this time of the year, are playing with our feelings of dissatisfaction. Perhaps with our own work, or something else. A feeling we can easily get rid of with just a quick and easy purchase.

As a photographer, I've been and I am there. I too feel dissatisfied, and spend way too much time thinking of camera gear and other easy ways to battle those feelings.

Even during this road trip across Norway I'm on, whenever I felt uninspired and couldn't find any images, I started to fantasize with what other places I should visit next. Almost wishing I was somewhere else. Imagine that, being in Norway and thinking that way!

I speak only from my personal experience, but I believe that these feelings are normal and natural to us. Perhaps, even the source of our creativity. The desire to create something new, the urge to keep getting out, the itch to explore and discover the world.

I think this is our curse, something we will experience as long as we are still growing. I believe that the moment we stop having these feelings, we will have stopped improving. And that'll probably be a sad moment.

So, be aware of this. We feel dissatisfied because we are still growing as photographers, as artists. Recognize that feeling for what it is. Look at it from a distance. Try to accept it. Don't let it define you. Be kind to yourself.

And then, grab your camera and go out make some pictures. That's still the best remedy I've found to put these feelings down.

We are running out of time

It feels like it was a few days ago when I hit the road, but it’s been almost 4 months since I left to embark on this road trip across Norway. What an incredible experience this was! I will never forget waking up to these stunning landscapes, having breakfast out in nature, and the nights falling asleep to the sound of nearby streams.

As time passed, though, my sensitivity to these landscapes and to the experience itself decreased. I don't want to say I took it all for granted, but I got used to it somewhat. It always happens to me, no matter where I am.

Even though we human beings don't like change, we can become accustomed to almost any situation given enough time. Perhaps, this is why I keep moving every few weeks, every few months. No permanent home, always on the move, carrying all my possessions with me across two continents.

Despite all the downsides of this lifestyle -and it has plenty of them-, the main reason I like living this way is because it exposes the true nature of time. I don't let myself get used to anything for too long. There's always a feeling of urgency, of trying to take it all in while it lasts, because there's an expiration date.

The deadline for my time in Norway is approaching quickly, and I know I will miss these drives along the Norwegian lakes and fjords very much. Very soon, all of this will be just a memory of something that happened in the past. A memory I'll have to fight to keep alive.

But as they say, every beginning is another beginning's end. In a few weeks, Norway will be over, and I'll be back in Spain. Shortly after, I'll leave for the US. And not too long after that, I'll be taking another plane back to Europe.

We are running out of time, even if we don't notice its passing. Let's take it all in while we can.

Own the platform

Things are changing, as they always do. And we humans hate change.

It feels like it was yesterday when we were all hating on social media, while mourning the old platforms. It is 2022, and here we are, hating on TikTok and VR, mourning platforms like Instagram and Twitter.

I have no idea what the future will be for those platforms; I really hope I don't end up having to use VR glasses to share my photography and enjoy the work of fellow photographers.

No matter what the future will bring, this is a good moment to be reminded of the importance of having your own platform.

Lately, I've been trying to consolidate all my sources of inspiration in a RSS app. Instagram doesn't allow this, so the photographers who share their work exclusively on that platform are out; Twitter is playing nice... for now; but the ones that work the best are regular old websites and blogs.

Relying on social media to connect with peers and share your work was a great idea; exclusively using those platforms was a very bad idea.

I get it, a blog can be boring. It can feel like you are talking to no one. If you think the engagement is low on IG, just wait until you post on your own website.

And yet, I believe it's very important to have your own place, your little home in the Internet. Very few people will show up, but those are the ones that really matter. And of course, we can keep using social media and whatever platform comes next to reach new people and invite them to come over and look at what we have to offer.

If you don't have a website, I deeply encourage you to create one. Keep it simple. And then share it with all the people you've connected with over the years, so they know where they can find you in case the metaverse doesn't cut it for you.

Why I don't consume a lot of photography

The sheer amount of amazing images being made nowadays can be overwhelming. “Comparison is the thieve of joy”; and today, there’s no shortage of photographs to compare ours to. This can make us feel miserable.

This is why I don’t consume a lot of photography. I follow a handful of photographers whose work I admire, enough to get some inspiration every once in a while, and focus all my energy on developing my own vision and approach to the medium.

Simply copying someone else’s work won’t lead us anywhere, but constantly trying to stand out among the crowd can be even worse. Our work shouldn’t be based on what others have or haven’t done. We need to stop trying to be unique, because we already are.

Photography is about not giving up

“The prize never goes to the fastest guy. It goes to the guy who slows down the least.” ~ Finding Ultra

Photography is not a marathon. It’s a million marathons, one after the other.

You can find some success with a lucky image, but a body of work is done and built over decades of dedication to the craft. Day after day.

This means taking new photos as often as possible, but also working on the ones we’ve already taken. Reflecting on them. Putting them in books, publishing them online, sharing our experiences. Day after day.

Photography is relatively easy, there’s no secret to it: no magic setting we are yet to discover, no better camera we should buy, no missing preset we should get, no discontinued film stock we should miss.

Everyone wants a shortcut because the truth is boring: it’s about putting the work, the hours, about never giving up. And the prize is that we get to do it again tomorrow.