photo book

A sense of completion

I owe photography a new way to see the world. I felt an urge to capture and share what I saw, and that’s what drove me for years. Until I published my book. For the first time, there was a sense of completion, almost as if I had accomplish my mission.

Was that it? Was I done with photography?

I wasn’t. All I needed was a break from the summer, and I finally got the perfect morning.

Are photo books a good investment?

In this video, I wonder about the value on buying photo books. Taking into consideration that we can look at images from our favorite photographers online, at any time and from anywhere, are books still a good investment?

I don't mean a financial investment, by the way. I mean an investment on our photography, to improve our vision and to get inspired.

Also in this video, I venture on the streets of Lisbon looking for a photo book. It'd be the first of my new collection. The chosen one: "Genesis", by Sebastião Salgado.