
My ND filter collection

I use ND filters almost on a daily basis, both for my photo and video work. My collection has grown over the years, so in this video I show you which ND filters I have, why and how I use them.

The ND filters shown in this video are:

3 days of photography along Lake Michigan

I finally got my camera back from the shop, so I had to go somewhere and try it. I decided to go back up to Lake Michigan, where I camped for 3 days. I visited spots I'd never been to, like Ludington, Muskegon, Holland or Grand Haven.

Even though the first night I could barely get any sleep due to what probably was the most powerful thunderstorm I'd ever seen, the rest of the road trip was pretty much perfect. It was cold and wet, conditions I love for myself... and for photography. I even ran into some fog the last day.

Camping in Sleeping Bear Dunes, Michigan

As much as I like the cold winter, warmer weather means camping season, and I wanted to start early. We spent a few days camping in Sleeping Bear Dunes, Michigan, and even though it was colder than I was expecting (it even snowed!), the trip was a success. Rachel and I got to spend time together, relax, experience nature, see beautiful places, and I even had time for some photography.

Black and White in digital photography: why, when and how

Not too long ago, black and white was the default. This was due mainly to limititations with color photography, but today digital photograph has made easier than ever. Color is the default, and black and white is a choice. A creative one.

Many digital photographers don't realize that black and white is an option. In this video, we discuss why it's a good option, when to do black and white, and how.

Nothing will ever beat good timing

The snow and ice are melting really quick, and they are revealing all kind of scenes. I stumbled upon this one during my morning walk yesterday: an American flag that had been underwater for a while.


“real camera”

I knew there was an image there, so I turned on my compact camera and started to look for the right angle. After just a few seconds, it died. "Battery exhausted". I couldn't believe it.

I knew it was about to die when I left home, and made the terrible mistake of not bringing an extra battery. So I did the only thing I could do: I pull out my iPhone 7 and took a shot.

I immediately loved the result and I wanted to capture it again with a better camera. So I went home, grabbed a new battery, and soon enough I was back at the scene. It had taken me half an hour, but it was too late. Everything that made the image work earlier was just not there anymore: the Sun was higher in the sky and the reflections on the water looked bad; also the wind had picked up creating small waves.

It goes to show that camera gear does matter, but nothing will ever beat good timing: being at the right place, at the right moment.