
Will the new iPad change my mind?

Apple announced a new iPad yesterday, but it's the full mouse support and new keyboard with built-in trackpad that is catching everyone's attention. It's got mine as well, and I look forward to reading the first reviews.

As you know, I've wanted to make the iPad my main and only computing device for quite a while, but I keep going back to the laptop as the ultimate tool for productivity.

I'd love to see all the great things about the iPad (size, weight, battery life, touch screen, cellular support) on a device running MacOS. iOS just doesn't cut it.

Why is Apple trying so hard to make it work? For me, the reason is clear: the App Store. When Apple sells you a Macbook Air, for example, they don't expect to get much more money from you after that. Maybe some iCloud storage, but that's it. Meanwhile, iPhone users in the US spent an average of $79 on apps in 2018, and revenue from mobile apps will be around $581 billions this year.

I remain skeptical about the future of the iPad as a productivity device, but I really hope Apple can prove me wrong.


When I wrote about my upcoming trip a few days ago, I knew the situation could get worse. I could not, though, expect how fast everything has unfolded here in Spain in the last few days: from planning my trip to country-wide mandatory quarantine.

I will be working from home for the foreseeable future. Thankfully, I have a lot of photos to go through and many things to talk about, here and on my YouTube channel.

Before focusing on photography again, I wanted to repeat what every expert in this matter is saying: stay home as much as you can. If you are already taking this seriously, then please keep doing so. And if you still believe this is like the flu, take a look at this.

Stay healthy, my friends.

Creating space and time for bigger projects

I've been working on a couple of books that I hope to release very soon. I started working on one of them years ago, but never found the time required to finish it and it's been a side project since then.

I realized I wasn't going to finish it ever unless I created some space and time for it. This means I had to cut down on other parts of my work, my YouTube channel to be specific. I haven't uploaded any videos for over a week now, but don't worry, there will more as soon as I'm done with these two bigger projects.

Best 5 accessories for RX100 cameras

Best 5 accessories for RX100 cameras

You know how much I love my small RX100 cameras. I always carry one with me no matter what I'm doing, and that has led me to making some images I would've never made otherwise, including the current image of the month, "Golden Gate".

I love that these cameras are complete systems out of the box: no lenses to buy! There are some accessories, though, that I think are very useful and make these little devices even better image making machines. These are the 5+1 accessories for the RX100 series I have and use.

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Cares: the Divine Gorge

A year and a half later, I went back to the Picos de Europa National Park in Asturias, to finish a hike I couldn't complete last time I was there. The Ruta del Cares is one of my favorite hikes ever, through a beautiful gorge surrounded by stunning mountains.

The weather couldn't be any better, some rain and fog at the beginning, clear skies in the middle of it and more cloudiness as we were approaching the trailhead. As someone put it on the comments, I felt like a kid in a candy store.