
Images from the Elkhart County 4-H Fair

The Elkhart County Fair was one of my first experiences in America when I moved here back in 2013. It was definitely different from what I was used to, to say the least.

6 years later, I went back. It was a fun day of fair food, attractions and even a Demolition Derby.

Developing film in half the time with CineStill Df96 monobath solution

I finally had the chance to try CineStill's monobath solution, Df96. This product promises to do the job of three chemicals, all in one: developer, bath stop and fixer.

While I could see how that would save a lot of time, I wasn't so sure about the results I could get.

I've only developed 2 rolls of Ilford HP5 with this solution, but so far, I'm pretty happy with the negatives. And the best of all: I was able to do it almost twice as fast.

I love shooting film, but developing it isn't my favorite thing to do. That's why I welcome anything that makes it easier and faster, like CineStill Df96.

These are some of the images from those 2 rolls, shot with a Bronica SQ-Ai and a Holga (this one was in the camera for over a year and still turned out mostly ok).

Motivation comes from action

We believe that we need motivation to do something. Motivation leads to results. Thus we seek to be motivated, yet fail most of the time.

What if it was the other way around? What if our actions defined our motivation?

Then, all it'd take for us to be motivated is to do something.