Is consistency in our work important?



consistent behavior or treatment

In photography, being consistent means creating images that look similar. Maybe we shot them with the same camera and lens, maybe we made them look that way in post-processing.

Let's talk about consistency, when we should be consistent and when it's ok to switch things.


I am a big believer in telling stories through a collection of images, be it in a zine, book or exhibition. Let's call it a project: a vision we have, a message we want to deliver, something we want to tell.

Generally speaking, I want to make all the images in a project look very similar, to have the same aesthetic. Otherwise, it might confuse the viewers.

Think of a book: all the words, letters and sentences are the same color and size. Only titles are different to make them stand out, to mark an end and a beginning. All the pages follow the same layout as well. It'd be too distracting otherwise.

There are a few things we want to keep constant or very similar: if an image is monochrome or color, the amount of grain, the contrast, the aspect ratio.

We can emphasize the importance of an image making it bigger, spanning through two pages, for example, or even changing the aspect ratio just for that one.


Different projects might require completely different approaches, though. I believe it is ok to not be consistent between projects: one could be in color, shot with a phone; the next one could be in monochrome using a medium format camera.

If we pick up a different book, we don't mind to see another font being used, more or less margins, a different size altogether. As long as it's kept consistent through the whole book.


I try to apply the same principle to my photography: to be consistent in a project, treating all the images the same way, so they form that body of work where none of its components is more or less important but just another piece of the puzzle.

That's what consistency offers: being able to create a cohesive collection of images that tell a story.

Are photo books a good investment?

In this video, I wonder about the value on buying photo books. Taking into consideration that we can look at images from our favorite photographers online, at any time and from anywhere, are books still a good investment?

I don't mean a financial investment, by the way. I mean an investment on our photography, to improve our vision and to get inspired.

Also in this video, I venture on the streets of Lisbon looking for a photo book. It'd be the first of my new collection. The chosen one: "Genesis", by Sebastião Salgado.

A weekend in Lisbon with my new video camera: Sony RX100VA

In my quest to minimize and downsize my camera gear, I decided to look for a replacement to my beloved but bulky Sony a6500 + Sigma 16mm f/1.4 combo.

A few days ago, I purchased a Sony RX100VA. Interestingly, this is full circle for me since the Sony RX100II was the camera that got me started in photography, and the one I used for video for many years.

I spent this past weekend in Lisbon, where I had the chance to test the new camera. This video shows some footage and images from this beautiful portuguese city, and I also talk about the good and bad things about the Sony RX100VA.

Update from Portugal

I'm still alive! Not only that but also in the middle of a trip to Portugal, one of my favorite countries. Currently near Porto, I will be hitting Lisbon and Sintra in the next few days.

This is going to be a very short trip, a sort of preparation for the 4 months we will be spending in the US starting very soon!

Expect some videos and images from Portugal in the next few days.

The best content I've ever watched on YouTube: "The Atlantic Selects"

Very, very rarely you will see me recommending content from YouTube like this.

However, some of the movies that The Atlantic is putting out in their series The Atlantic Selects are brilliant pieces of filmmaking and storytelling. I think they are the best content I've ever watched on YouTube.

These are two of my favorites, but I really encourage you to take a look at the other videos of this series. You won't be disappointed.

Don't aim for perfection


A few days ago and while working on my YouTube channel, I came across some of the first videos I made.

They are just horrible.

I was partly aware of this when I published them, but at the time I was doing my best.

Today, I have better gear and I know more about video than I did back then. Most of this improvement happened because I started uploading videos and realized what was working and what could be improved.

If I had aimed for perfection I would have never published any video, post or image, ever.

We need to finish. A finisher gets better and better every time they put something out there. Only through practice can we improve.

I hope to come back to my current videos in a few years and see that, once again, they look horrible. That could only mean that my filmmaking skills improved.

White Balance in Black and White Photography

Despite the lack of it, color is very important in Black and White Photography.

White Balance (or Color Balance) is one of most commonly used tools (it's actually two: temperature and tint) in color photography to modify the warmth and tint of an image.

It is overlooked by many when it comes to Black and White imagery, but we'll see why you might want to add this tool to your monochrome editing workflow.

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Galician Still Life: Bronica and Ilford FP4

These are some of the images I've made of some objects with my Bronica and Ilford FP4. Watch the video here.